Categories: PHP

PHP script to add watermark to all images in a folder

There are several situations when we need to add watermark to the image to protect copyrights and authorship of those images. But doing this task using some application isn’t a smart option. I am going to tell you a very simple and sophisticated way to generate the images with watermark dynamically using PHP.

PHP GD library is really a helpful tool to perform some image related tasks. We are going to use this library to add watermark to a bunch of images in this tutorial.

In this tutorial, we are going to add a watermark to all images in a folder dynamically and saving all those images in a different folder.

Here is the PHP code:

//Source folder where all images are placed

//Destination folder where all images with watermark will be copied

//Creating an image object of watermark image

//Margin of watermark from right and bottom of the main image

//Height ($sy) and Width ($sx) of watermark image

//Get list of images in source folder
$images=array_diff(scandir($source), array('..', '.'));

foreach($images as $image){
  //Create image object of main image

  //Copying watermark image into the main image
  imagecopy($img, $watermark, imagesx($img) - $sx - $margin_right, imagesy($img) - $sy - $margin_bottom, 0, 0, $sx, $sy);

  //Saving the merged image into the destination folder
  imagejpeg($img, $destination.'/'.$image,100);

  //Destroying the main image object

//Destroying watermark image object




You may be interested in my another tutorial that will explain how to add watermark to images in folder and it’s all sub folders.

Sujeet Kr Singh:

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